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Monday, July 21, 2008
compare: amkps band + amkss trumpet sect

Amkps 2007 main band. Eb horn. Left to right: mi, qi yan, cyntia n lisa. Thres 1 mre bt she did nt perform tat dae. Her name call louisa (i think?) Amkss 2008 trumet section. Left to right. 1st row: wan qing, zixin, geraldine, mi, eric... Sianz eric went 2 bari sax le. 2nd row: yan qian, see suan n yang yue. 3rd row: clara, germaine, rui shan n yan ling. 4th row: brandon, winston, glenn, yu qing. Missin liang yun... Dunno hu's tat... 94.11764706% of the trumpet family here. 5.882352941% incomplete = 1 person.

There it is... 5 years of my band life has passed.


@ 10:32 PM

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Synergy 2008. Vivo City

Yesterdae, went 2 Vivo city 2 c amkps band perform. Sian... Oni yuen yee n i went back 2 support. Yuen yee 9+ jiu went 2 amkps le. Coz i think she no transport thre. I culd oni go @ 2pm coz my granfather brought mi n my lill sis 2 eat dim sum... Nt vry nice lor. Genting 1 nicer. Anyway, when i reached thre, i didnt noe whre 2 go. So, i called yuen yee. Damn noisy lor. They havin rehearsal. When i reached thre, it was hlf rainin. I bout 2.15pm reach thre. Their rehearsal hlfway le. Then aftr e hole rehearsal, it was 3.45 le. E actual performance was @ 4pm. Then mi n yuen yee went dwn 2 minitoons 2 c smth. When came up, my psp lost. So sad. Bt, i found a 4gb m2 memory card wif adapter. Hlfway thru e performance, it rained... then hav 2 move inwards. No budget 1 lor e tentage. So small... They my family came. So sian...

Mr Jing hao... Star eupho player

Go mighty giants!!
Bm simin
Mighty giants Standing In The Rain-billy talent
Jia hui on xylo
Justine = future junior!! Yay!
Bm solo seh... Power = simin

Trombone sect = power
"The Final Countdown"


@ 6:33 PM

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Gabriel Tiu

Hi. 2dae so damn borin lah. Actually hav geo test de lor. Bt ms chin nvr cme. Make mi so kan chiong. Durin band all long notes. Then went 2 do individuals. E oni full section doin individuals was e trumpet section. I think... Damn shiok lah. Cn plae Symphonic Overture e infront. Then earlier durin lunch, gabriel n jun ping ate wif mi. Then i took a pic i drew of him. Damn ugly. Lets compare...

Real life...


@ 10:12 PM

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Life wifout band = boring

2ae, germaine, did nt tell mi tat band was cancelled. Then, i tot hav band, so nvr plan anything in e aftrnn. Damn boring lor. No Band. Then nvm. Aftr sch, i ask jun ping, bryan n cyn to go eat lunch, or rather, cyn ask us 2 accompany him. Then, when i mentioned i didnt hav a place 2 go, evry1 asked y i didnt wanna go my grans hme. Grans hme is borin. No com n no psp. reach thre, slp, slp, slp. Damn boring. Vry bad lor, cyn they all. Jun ping especially. Tot he wuld @least sae bye. When i was buyin my lunch tat time, they sneaked away. S-N-E-A-K-E-D! Hw culd they?? Then, @least i saw germaine. She also nowhre 2 go. So, actually, she suggested 2 go 2 e library. Then came yan qian's msg. He said he was in sch supportin inter school bdmintn competition. Germaine obviously prefer yan qian 2 library. When mi n germaine went in, i felt vry funny. Mayb coz i m e oni sec1 bah. Anyway i tried singing chords wif e sec2 seniors. Ps, dun really noe ur names. Then we stole bdmintn rackets, hpe it was returned. Then plae bdmintn, n go hme.


@ 11:17 PM

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tnx yanling!

Dun mean to brag lah. Bt, i m really proud tat i m able to plae e songs @ band 2dae. Damn nice lah. Its lyk... Evry1 cnt plae, n u r e oni 1 hu cn plae. Bt, will feel damn awkward. Coz, when sme1 praises mi, i wun noe wat to sae n, when evry1 claps, my heart will feel damn funny. Its lyk, u feel happy, n dun dare to xpress it. Bt, will juz secretly smile to myself... xP. Quite stupid. Anyways, e main point in tiz post, is to thank Yanling for takin mi for individuals, allowin mi to gain e conductor's praise. Vry happy. Thank you Yanling!


@ 9:45 PM


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Footprints on my heart.


Hi , my name is J-O-E-L.
I love eating Music ( especially symphonies! )
Trumpetering is a must.
I love to touch and kiss her ( My trumpet ).
I love you!
Each and everyone!


Pursue a profession in trumpeting
Solo concert
Do better in studies ( genuinely )
Marry Her
Stay happy and world peace!

Recording Studio


Edited by Pearlyn.
x o