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Thursday, May 28, 2009

WOOTS!!! I just hme-ed. Didnt go sch 2dae. Bt i had an adventure! I cycled 4m my hme, yishun, to yio chu kang, amk n bishan! So shiok man! Dun wrry. I nt crazy. Then i cycled bac. All in all, i cycled 5 hrs! Crazy huh? I mean e feat. Nt mi. Haha. U all shld try it 1 day man!

@ 2:31 PM

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

*Claps* Aftr the performance by xinmin symphonic band, we're gonna announce the awards of 2009! 1st, smartest person of e year... ONG SHU JIAN! *Woots* Blablabla... & lastly, the last award of the year. ' Simply-a-loser ' award! It goes 2... JOEL CHUA!! *Laughs at him* N thre i m, walkin to receive my well=worked-fer award. Great. This award is only given when thre is a nominee.

E criteria is...
-evry1 makes fun of u
-They simply ignore u
-U have no friends
-N most importantly, U SUCK!

I'm gonna b a changed LOSER. Aftr this. Yessir i am. Its coz haha, many ppl mii-ed mi. Wanna noe wats mii? CHECK E BLODDY DICTIONARY! =D No mre fu*kin annoyin JOEL ARSE HOLE! B happy dudes n dudettes. I'm just gonna SHUT my TRAP n disappear into NON-EXCISION. Mayb tat path just isnt fer a loser lyk MYSELF! Shld hav just let it die. Shldnt hav stepped up as a special person. Shldnt have taken a step.

@ 11:57 PM

Monday, May 25, 2009

Yo all!! Quite happy 2dae.Well folks, nt braggin. Bt i gt 26 fer compo!! Its lyk OMG lah de feelin. 1st time in probably my hole life... This time e markins quite plain n spacious =D E oni comment was Excellent. OMG!! So happy. Oso congrats 2 BROKES fer gettin 25 too! Anyway, on e marker's comments, my name appeared, still nt braggin fer pete's sake, evryone was lyk ' Wah? Joel name inside siol ' its so LOL. Then ms yeo made mi read my own comments. N i was lyk stuck thre lor. Coz it starts wif ' Joel Chua ( sec 25 ), ... '. Damn retarded lah. I was lyk ' Uh... Erh.... ' Then ms yeo asked mi 2 just sae ' I '. Then had band. Had master class 2. Band... Hmm... Forced 2 plae 2nd. Seems 2 mi GGGGGGGG is in a bad mood. Wateva. Master class. Opps. Almost fell aslp. It is held by 2 jap trumpeters. Cool. Many schools came. Bt was quite a bore as all e stuff they teach, Shaune went thru b4. Bt @least a double check. Then went opposite wif jia yan, chen yu, aik shan n justin. Then 169-ed hme. YAY! Great day.

@ 10:37 PM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Nw fer 2dae! Couldnt slp in coz i had band. Was actually quite lookin 4ward. As usual, i was e 1st... trumpeter. Haha. Lucky cn plae arr. Desouza took band n pieces. Wah siao lor! All i play 1st n so high! Bt nvm. I tried. Last 2 pieces Brando came. He sat bside mi. SHIT! n i was lyk anyhw pressin e fingerins. Had a vry long speech by Brando n he finally released e results fer BAND EXCO 2009-10. I cnt rmbr e rest. Bt trumpet SL was choosen on e spot by our vry own germaine. Introducin trumpet SL 2009-10, doin as good as or bttr than present SL germaine, YAN QIAN!!! *Claps* Haha. Cntinue-ed clearin pieces n band is dismissed! Well, nt fer mi. Coz i had 2 take e sec1s. I went fer lunch wif mei ping! Haha. Forced her 2 eat! Enjoyed much. Then i went 2 jr band. In e beginnin was alrite. Then they were given a piece 2 clear. " sesame street " DAMN! 1st piece i takin e sec1s n they had 2 gif swing. Tried n tried 2 xplain swing. Glad tian wei finally understands. As fer zhi wei, abit slow bt alrite. Justine arr, ovrall ok. Dom 2 outstandin in a bad way. boon li... idk. I will try my best. Ok. Ovrall comments fer e section. Nt bonded enuf. Cn tell bcoz u all nt playin 2gether. Mayb its just bcoz u dun treat mi seriously bt u hav 2 move 2gether as a section. I wan 5 ppl to play lyk 1 n nt 5 ppl to plae lyk a 100. Then went opposite wif chen yu n ji dan shan n finally hme-ed. - END -

@ 11:04 PM

Ok now. Gonna post bout yestrdae. Its worth rmbrin! Yestrdae was suppose 2 play bball wif eila n xenia. I called mei ping, celine n lionel. In e end eila n xenia couldnt cme. So, haha. All of us made celine w8. We were LATE! Opps. Srry. Haha. If lionel hadnt go 2 e bus interchange, we would hav ended up @ 4 diff places. Haha. Tat proves hw lousy @ organisin stuffs m i. Celine @ 7-11. Lionel @ e RENOVATING macdonalds. Mei ping @ interchange. I @ interchange toilet. Haha. So we met up n went 2 stand outside macs 2 discuss our plan. Lol. Stand @ e entrance. So din deh. We sure took our time 2 dcide whre 2 go. So, Accordin 2 our plan, We headed 2 e jap foodcourt @ north point. Celine damn funny sia. Eat until lyk tat. She oso UNCLE killer sia. Aftr celine finally finished her hot pot of rice, we went 2 my hse... de bball court. Haha. Play 2-2. @ 1st mei ping n i vs lionel n celine. Haha. Trash. Guess hu trash hu? Then changed team. Boy vs girl. 2pid lionel. Just stand thre sia he. RETARD-ED 'S'!! So i was trashed. 11 - 2. Tired, we made our way 2 e mama shp fer refreshments n headed 2wards our final DESTINATION... my HOUSE! We went up, Celine ENTHUSIASTICALLY said hi 2 my grans. Haha. She stared @ her wif e blank look. Lol. Retreated 2 my bedrm which is unusually crapped. Bt hu cares? Gt aircon cn le. Haha. Lionel gt himself a laptop n e rest settled in comfortably. We pop " Meet The Spartans " into my com n started watchin. Haha. Celine was lyk... Hw cme tat guy's boobs cn lyk tat de? n on n on n on. Haha. Aftr e muvee, lionel hme-ed. Celine occupied e com n mei ping, e psp. Then i went away readin my artemis fowl. Then celine go chat wif my jr. Funny convo. Haha. She told him a siew mai joke n he practically didnt understand. Haha. Then pillow-bolster fought awhile b4 we went fer LUNCH! KFC-ed n had sme jokes n laughter b4 we went 2 Arcade! Aftr spendin $11 exactly ( i counted ), headed hme. Haha. Cool day!

@ 10:27 PM

Monday, May 18, 2009

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! Last paper ovr le. Haha. Bt it doesnt feel lyk it. BCOZ, i didnt take it seriously! Bug catcher. Was actually wanderin aimlessly n clueless bout wat i was gonna do aftr e papers. Then i heard Ozy sae they wan go LAN. So i dcided 2 tag along! ( So xtra. ) Then bla bla bla.... Oh. Ok. Pause riiitteee...... HERE! Ok. We reached e LAN le. Then we started dota!, which i totally suck @ btw. I was lyk a bug catcher lah. Left little HP le then i go last hit them =D Bt well, tat was once nia. Mainly, i'm e feeder -.- Then those FAGGOTS just had 2 cme in n di siao mi bout my dota skills. Frikin noisy lah! Basket! Then bla bla bla.... We played 2 mre games n it was 1! So we went PRATA HOUSE to eat. Those racist BASTARDS! ( Jk. No offence ) They tried 2 imitate e w8er's indian accent. Bt mi n speed were e oni ones hu noes wat he is tokin. Ha. They we made our sperate ways... with speed. Opps... I still cnt blive i pang seh-ed sme1. Then Ozy, juNe n i went Virtual LAND! ( Seriously. Wats up wif tat? ) I think tats e best part of e hole day practically. We plaed ball 1st. OMG~! My skills bcme so lousy. Tmr go chiong le! ( jkjk. I spent $20++ thre! ) Bla bla bla, plaed a Dj-Max-Like-Game. Damn cool. We need 3 ppl 2 plae! Haha! BONDING! Then othr games! E last few moments thre were spent on e Try-And-Pick-A-Toy-Game. GRRR! Kp on almost gt it sia. Its a vry nice mickey mouse. Its in a groom's suit! So shuai! Always grab le then left little bit nia e machine shake. Then it dropped! So GRRR!! lah!! So we went hme aftr. Was ovr as soon as i new it n 4m $30, it bcame 30 cents. LOL! Ok. Tat all!! Haha! Enjoy ur day folks!

@ 11:48 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009

WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Tmr's e last paper!! Then it will b outings all day!! ( Just kiddin. I m poor n hav no $$ 2 go on outings XP ) Anyway, tues most probably would b class outing or Lan wif juNe n his clique. Bt i prefer class outin. Coz cn plae ball!! Ohya. Tmr i might b ballin. Anyone wanna join? I guess tmr is still a surprise. Bt 1st things 1st. Maths paper... Haiz... I WISH IT WOULD B QUICK N EASY! ( WISHFUL Thinking! ) Haha. Then wed... BAND resumes! Haha. Finally... I guess alot of ppl dun wanna go band... Bt still! haha. P.O.P's cmin n many othr performance. Gotta Chiong trumpet! Chiong! Chiong! CHIONG ARR!! Grr... When's my new trumpet comin? Hpe soon. Ok. I hav many outings 2 plan n organise.

1) 25'09 Class outin on tues

Activities? - Bball or movie ( Angels & Demons ) or both. Then virtual land!!
( Haha. Wats up wif virtual land? ). Hw bout goin 2 sentosa lyk
Xenia... TAN suggested?

Time? -Really does dpends... In e aftrnn?

2) 6B'07 Class outin ( Cn u all tell mi when u guys free? )

Activities? BBQ ( Can we go east coast park? )

Time? Best if cn in e mornin.

3) Section chalet... ( Hey! Cn we have 1? Pls? )

Info. $250. 3D2N.

@ 10:07 PM

Thursday, May 14, 2009

2dae is sec 2 revision day. & guess wat? I managed 2 study!!! Haha. Went 2 meet JX, Eila n Delia @ 9 in mac. Bt... as xpected. I was e 1st 2 reach. Then JX. Followed Delia n then Eila. Lol. Then we called lionel as he said he wanted 2 cme. Tat BUG CATCHER! He bluff us. Bt we gt him bac tnx 2 JX. Haha. We were ' goin ' 2 a ' 4 lvled library wif no benches outside '. Then we caught our breakfast n i met a great worker ( idk wat u call them. Those ppl bhind e counter ) She offered a Meal which offered wat i wanted bt cheaper. I lyk these kind of ppl. Nt aftr ppl's $$ =D Then we made our way dwn 2 our ' 4 lvled library wif no benches outside '. Lucky 2 get a seat n table. We studied n made notes. Well, actually they. I was usin com. Bt a few mins nia lor! Then i started. Coz i was bored. Did electricity. Haha. Blive anot, bt its my 1st time makin notes. Qingyi n our ' class ' came lata. Haha. JX's theory was good. Then leslie came. Haha. He kanna pangseh so many times =D We made mre notes. We couldnt have lunch coz Eila, being a kind soul dcided 2 look aftr her staff's bag while he was havin his ' lunch '. BUG CATCHER! Haha. Bt He kanna ticket. ' Singapore Flyer ' de. Then out of boredom, JX, Eila n i had a mini ' SSSSS ' drawin competition. Eila won unxpectedly. Haha. Then MAKAN session! We went bac aftr. Haha. Many jokes. Jun Kang. Haha. Then we continued. Alrite alrite. They. They continued. I was slpin. Lol. Then i woke up. Read abit. N finally hme-ed aftr near 8 hrs of library Muggin. Enjoyable day.

@ 11:06 PM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yay. Few mre days... I must REN!! I didnt noe is tat fast. Nxt mon jiu ovr le!! 3 mre days!! AH!!! I'm crazy~! So happy!

@ 12:26 AM

Monday, May 11, 2009

Oh man... My emotions gt e bttr of mi again... Sry dudes n dudettes...

@ 6:15 PM

Tot i could finally study... U bailed on mi again. U always do.

@ 11:39 AM

Saturday, May 9, 2009

GRRR!! I'm bored. Evryone doesnt wanna watch muvee... Sian!!!

@ 3:10 PM

Thursday, May 7, 2009

AHHHHH!!!!! I just wanna go 2 e seaside n shout!!

@ 10:53 PM

................THE COOKIE CONSPIRACY!!!.................

@ 10:30 PM

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Haiz... MYE is tmr... I still dun feel e urge 2 study. I duno wat i m feelin nw... All e recent incidents... All e facades... Really dunno hu i cn dpend on anymre... I hav no mood 2 study. AHHHH!!! I M JUST CONFUSED N TIRED... Just wish i cn run away. Away 4m all e frustrations. I m feelin scared, happy, sad, angry, regretful. In e end, it all boils dwn 2 my uncontrolled feelins. Fck them. E person hu i made mi study made mi stp. E person i tot i knew changed a new face. Ppl hu i tot were my true F-R-I-E-N-D-S were just aftr wat i hav... I m bcmin a loner freak wif a facade of a happy person. Jia xun. He is a good person. Mayb 2 good. Idk. Hpe this is ovr soon n band will cme bac again. Music takes all this away. AHHHH! Just hpe i cn pass. 2pid trait of mine. I tot i finally made new friends. Just lies. Wish mi luck in e exams... I couldnt absorb anything durin lessons. Feel lyk dyin.

@ 11:09 PM


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Footprints on my heart.


Hi , my name is J-O-E-L.
I love eating Music ( especially symphonies! )
Trumpetering is a must.
I love to touch and kiss her ( My trumpet ).
I love you!
Each and everyone!


Pursue a profession in trumpeting
Solo concert
Do better in studies ( genuinely )
Marry Her
Stay happy and world peace!

Recording Studio


Edited by Pearlyn.
x o