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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mei ping, yun fann and ming wei just home-ed. Haha. Had quite a fun day today, in school and after. First period was PE. Mini netball competition! My team got 3rd! Out of 4 places. Great job! Haha. Then was english and history which passed damn quickly. YAY! Oh. During recess right, Mei ping and i went for some training. It's for those people who fail 2.4. No. Mei ping never fail. She will never ok. She just accompany. Damn good. I finished quite fast. Run, Hop and Skip. Then later valerie joined. She damn high lah! Haha.

After school, was supposed to study with melissa and chenning they all. But melissa didn't want to go as it was more of clarinet outing, then we very extra. Melissa and Chenning got off the bus at AMK library while i went home to change so i could meet mei ping, yun fann and ming wei for pool at yishun safra! Ming wei and i decided to ride our bikes. Long time never ride le. We met mei ping and yun fann at safra and had a mini tournament. Yun fann damn tyco lah. Too bad never bring camera. EPIC funness.

Then mei ping decided we should go to my house to study. And complete SS project. Which we did. Kinda. Anyway, going to my house was damn interesting. Since ming wei and i had bikes, we kinda suggested fetching the girls, mei ping with me and yun fann with ming wei. At first yun fann with me one. But she too scared le. Plus she didn't trust me ( She should lah. I haven't fetched anyone before. ) Mei ping, the experienced one decide to trust me. And i managed to ferry her! YAY! Success. So, Had fun. Long time never exercise so much le. Happy!

@ 9:52 PM

Monday, April 26, 2010

Musicke is said to be the rejoycing of the heart: Musicke comforteth the mynde and feareth the enimie.

@ 11:37 PM

Sunday, April 25, 2010

LOL. Came by this on the web.Cool right. 27 valves.

@ 11:38 AM

The road up ahead may seem long and you might think it's useless to continue walking on. But don't give up : ) Because what is at the end of the road is definitely worth your EFFORT.

Ok. On with the summary of the day's events. Met up with Clique to go and get Miss Foo's cake : ( Miss Foo is leaving... Sent her away. I managed to finish my envelopes on time. Sweet! So anyway, we got her a $29.80 mango cake. Only shared by 10 people. I mean they eat.

MTDC, we had preparation time, 2 to 2.30. Then auditions!! Bo geng was first to go, followed by me, geraldine, zachary then jie qi. It was... ok lah. Results not told to us yet. But is decided le. So right after the auditions, was sectionals. Went through minor details. IMPORTANT!!

By full band, the sound of the band was nice. AH~! One of those days where all of us got the band sound. Went through Bou Shu and then Hobbits : ( Fingering still not there. When MTDC Finally ended, we handed the card to Miss Foo.
Had the cake and everybody went back home.... Except ME! Amanda, justin and i stayed back for alumni. They sound really good and decent!! Impressive. Especially when most of them have not touched their instrument for sometime le. But it's expected lor. The golden age people leh!! Heheh. At 9.45, we left, for fear that the teachers would come up! Done.

@ 12:13 AM

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sometimes, Life may throw you challenges and everything looks ugly. But don't give up. Cheer up...Because life is full of beauty and happiness : )

@ 11:02 PM

Thursday, April 22, 2010

You are finally 15 girl! Get mature! Haha. Joking.

Yesterday, my grandma fell and bled. She got sent to the hospital. Hope nothing happens to her. Seriously. I also cut my hair with ming wei. Haha. Epic man. That's for yesterday and today! Cheer up people!

@ 6:13 PM

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Very touching video. Please watch.

Today, i had nafa 5 items. * Open mouth big big. * It was really bad. Shuttle run, sit ups, standing board jump, sit and reach then pull ups. My legs are aching now. Then during history, don't know why, i was damn high. Tsk tsk. I was lyk * super mario theme * Then mei ping keep laughing. I highed throughout history.

After that, melissa brought min hui, chenning and i to her house. To study. I did hor!! Then many many fun things happened. Like Den Den and bubbles di siaoing chenning and huimin. Haha. Damn funny. Had lunch and finally home. Great day. Gonna do it again after the exams.

Speaking of which, Gah!! Exams. I really got to do better in my studies. Then i can relax and work on my dear trumpet!! Please wait for me Sophie! Maths, I'm really scared of them being combined. Because then, i would mix up. Sci, i really need to read up. Alot. Humans, I got to work on answering technique and contextual knowledge. All these only!! Please! Done with my post.

Oh! Ms Shirin Foo is leaving. T-T Why? Hope you succeed in whatever you do in the future! GANBATTE!

@ 9:35 PM

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Enough of my complains! ( I'm sure many people's reaction would be like " Yay. Finally. Over. " ) Ok. So let's run through my week. From Thursday. Tsk.

We had NAFA and i think i'm gonna fail. But still happy. Because i think i improved. Or maybe i think i did. But whatever. Because i actually sprinted. After many people asked me to run, i didn't want to disappoint them so i did. Felt damn faint when running. I saw black patches whenever i took a step. At the end, bro cheered me on and we sprinted all the way! HAHA! Damn happy! But tired.

Friday. We had exco interview. YAY! Tsk. I was like 3rd last. Damn long. Chenning spent the longest time in the room, followed by melissa, who had to go in two times! So potential leaders are,
DM: Chenning
BMM: Melissa
BMA: juNe ping
Secretary: Jia Yi
Brass Master: Bryan
Woodwind: Rosalind
QM: Eric
Librarian: Jing Yuan
Uniform QM: Geraldine
Web IC: Amanda

Haha. Nice right?! Ok. Kool. Done

@ 10:30 PM

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pong!! Grr. Emo shit. Maybe i shouldn't even try to keep this constant struggle of being accepted as a friend. You guys never come to me. It's always me to you and no other way. I must be the one who initiates, gets ignored and being treated as though i were shit. You guys just push me away after you all get what you want. Things like psp, iphone and all those other crap. You have never treated as a TRUE friend! That's what i'm so upset about. I will never be the one you confide in. DAMN! What the Pong...

@ 8:41 PM

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Woah! Finally something to blog about. Something really interesting happened to me, or the house actually, just now. It B-L-A-C-K-E-D-O-U-T!!! Yay! Not a good thing to be happy about. But it's damn cool. Like I went to try to solve the problem and i managed too! Until i had to go and push up the other plug. BOOMS! Black out again! This time cannot fix. So i went to this neighbour's house to borrow her phone and call my mother. The auntie asked me if i tried fixing, i said no. Then she explained, I went back to try, and was damn proud to fix it! Turns out the fridge was fried. Argh. The fridge. Don't die! Sobs...

So anyway, my parents just went out to buy a new fridge. Cool day.

@ 11:12 PM

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I seriously don't get why people do such silly things they think is fun at the expense of another. Are they lacked of love or what? I don't know. Maybe they are mentally challenged. Whatever. Just take note that, whatever good impression I have of all of you is now gone. Forever.

@ 6:54 PM

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's weird how over the past week i really yearned for hot baths and now, i just want to cool myself... Gahh! One week passed so fast! I miss Tasmania! I miss Hobart! I miss the weather! I miss the beautiful scenery! I miss LOADS OF OTHER THINGS! OLD WOOL STORE ROCKS MY LIFE!It's damn nice. As welcoming as a home. As fun as a playground.

In the plane, I sat with chenning and justin. Chong. Kinda fun. Then later melissa came over and my secret was out. The MOD ( Movie on Demand ) was spoilt, so, scheduled movies : ( Transporting the instruments in the airport was the most dreaded and tedious thing we did throughout the trip.We headed for Richmond, a small village like town. Very cool. It consists of only one street. A re-known bridge was there. The oldest bridge in Australia. They had like lots of oldest things because they were the 2nd settlement in Australia. Lunch, we had tortilla, muffin and water by the river. The tortilla was made by our driver. A really humorous guy. He was a great guide throughout our stay. We went to Hobart to check in.We checked into the hotel room very excited! They got like Nickelodeon free lah. Apparently, the seniors got to pick their bed and they obviously picked the nicer one with a kitchen and all. Our room was very plain but comfy. It only consists of 3 beds and a toilet : ) Ryan got the double bed while juNe ping and i got a single. Each. Then dinner came at a hong kee chinese restaurant. First day and they thought we would miss Singaporean food already.

Needless to say, the food was average and in between waits were long. Very long.
Second day, we went to the air walk. Not walking on air but on suspended metal platforms. When Queenie walked, it shook. Dramatically! No pictures here because I didn't charge the night before. Then lunched by another river. Sandwiches and submarines FTW! ( I'm just joking. So much veg. But thanks to the people who make it. ) Desert was especially nice! Yum! Then pizza hut-ed! Buffet man! Gorged down 5 pizza. Slices : )
Thursday was band practice for whole day. Actually, We had free time. Until AJC decided to take a break. Free time. Flew away~! T_T Fish and Chip-ed! Nice~! Finally something filling. Ugh. Group photo!Friday. We headed our butts over to Port Arthur. Had a small cruise ride. Many photos taken!The port was really really interesting. Perhaps the most interesting site? When you arrived, they would give you a poker card. Each card represents a different prisoner. So they had 52. I managed to get Ace of Spades. Robert Goldspick. He was charged for breaking into a house. He was a shoe maker's apprentice. It's damn cool. Then there was this church where the clarinets got married. Weilin to Devin and Chenning to Benedict. Tsk. Childish acts befall our BMM : ) Then we got to the Devil's Kitchen, which was really just a cape. Nice though.Dinner was in chinese again! HOT POT~! All tastes... Unique. I couldn't eat beef, so there were limited things i could eat. In the end i wasted loads of food. Sigh.

Then the BIG day. Competition. Sigh. My lips tore and obviously, could not play as well. But still managed to grasp the 2nd for junior C and 3rd ( Best March ) for junior A. Kinda enjoyed bush dance the most although we got last for that. I don't know. You will just get this feeling of achievement and that you really performed it. Really nice. Almost cried. Tears of joy after bush dance. At night, we finally had dinner in the hotel. Nice. Rice and noodles finally.
Sunday, we found ourselves walking into the Federation Concert hall to witness the brass opens. NICE! The cornets were hell good of a runner. Can even be compared to woodwinds. Nice and clear too. Kudos! Then we went to finally see the Wombats and Tasmanian Devils. SWEET~!Dinner was prepared courtesy of Mr DeSouza. Tsk. I didn't even try T_T It was curry and spaghetti. I ate the rice with green curry. Damn shiok. Finally eating rice.
We flew back the next day, to reality. But it was a really successful trip. I guess.

@ 10:35 PM

I'm back!?

@ 1:13 PM


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Footprints on my heart.


Hi , my name is J-O-E-L.
I love eating Music ( especially symphonies! )
Trumpetering is a must.
I love to touch and kiss her ( My trumpet ).
I love you!
Each and everyone!


Pursue a profession in trumpeting
Solo concert
Do better in studies ( genuinely )
Marry Her
Stay happy and world peace!

Recording Studio


Edited by Pearlyn.
x o