Thursday, January 27, 2011
Whee! Here's an update about what happened to me yesterday! Really cool! Guess what happened? Here's a hint!

Haha. Don't be fooled the image. Yes, we did save a cat. But it wasn't stuck in a tree. It was in a drain D : No... Poor kitty. Anyway, it was Jess who found it. Then she came into the band room exclaiming, THERE'S A CAT IN THE DRAIN! So Hao lun and i initiated Mission, save poor cat! Haha. If it's in a drain, obviously the cat isn't in any danger and we wouldn't have to save it right? But here's the twist, yesterday it was raining and stopping. The skies were PMS-ing. So there were currents. And afraid it would drown, we opened the drain cover. It immediately ran to a deeper section. There was a ledge and it was stuck in a short dilemma whether to jump. Hao lun was like, no no no. Then it jumped! Haha. Hao lun went F*ck YOU! We chased after it. Throughout, it was meowing. Probably from the cold. After finding many ways and failing, we decided to go down the drain! God knows how dirty it was. And there was running water. Hao lun and I were so grossed out and we shouted, in the process scaring the cat driving it to the higher ledge. After that we had to move the tables and whatever rubbish was on the drain. Tired. But all for a good cost. My pants turned from green to camo too! Then I met my cute sec ones! Jamie, Chia kit, xing ni and Joelle! They are shy shy people. Played whacko like every year. And tau pok session after the sec ones left! Quite fun!
Today, everything was boring until... CIP! Whee! Really fun group I was in. And! We saw a kitten! Damn cute! It's Cat FEVER!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Hmm... I haven't posted since Friday! So here are my days. Friday was Em Tee Dee Sah concert! Haha. I still can remember my own! It was certainly an experience! Well, many feelings were running through the air that night. Anxiety, relief, sadness, just to name a few. Yup! And even though I did not perform, I received a present from my juniors, imagine them one year ago. And now. Hmm... certainly worth being proud of. Don't worry about your screw ups. It's just part and parcel of learning. Now, Next Stop, SYF! Haha. Charisard also made my day! Sorry for making you worry!
Saturday, Jun ping and I went for Mahler's! Woah. SSO! Jun Ikebe! Haha. Mr Lun recommended his mouth piece. The one i said look like a gourd. Turns out they tailor make them! Cool or cool!? We had Sakae sushi! Pok. :_( Mahler's symphony no 9! Haha. I just realized many composers pass after writing their 9th symphony! Beethoven. Haha. Apparently, Mahler managed to cheat death by writing a symphony but he did not name it symphony no something. After which, he started on his 10th symphony. But it was only half completed when death eventually claim him. Haha. The last movement was quiet. Death. It was dark.
Sunday, I finally learned binomial and met up with some primary school friends to play basket ball. I haven't played in so long!! They really changed. And yesterday, Monday, We had band! Yay! My basics are getting weaker and weaker. Guess it's back to the basics! Today, I got a wound on my leg! Much like zixin's! Haha. Geraldine! Now left you le! It's so weird. I suddenly come to realize it's been a very long time since I got a wound on my knee! Wah! Childhood memories!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Hi hi!! Sorry for not posting since Tuesday! Ok. So... Tuesday...
Tuesday, pe we did touch rugby! Incredibly fun. Can't wait for the real one if there is. After school there was tutoring, Mr lun introduced me to this mouth piece to make my tone darker. It looks like this

Yup. A gourd. But it gathers air in the funnel thingy before pushing air out, thus giving it a darker colour. At least thats what he tells me. And it works. Guess how much it costs!? $300+++! Woah. Saving money.
Yesterday, Haha. Guess what!?

Cute or cute!? Haha. Their names are Jiayi, Jing yuan, Zixin, Xiao tong, Melissa and BRYAN!! I didn't name em! So that was yesterday. Oh. And we visited Nayang Poly. Hmmm... Might consider poly.
Today!! It was just class drama! TOE MAY TOES FTW! LOL.

Tomorrow is MTDC concert! Go everyone! This is the final lap!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Hey! Haha. Finally started blogging again thanks to Charisard! So, first up, hi Charisard! Ok. That done, let's start with a brief summary of whatever happened from my last post till now. Basically, there was band camp, Christmas and new year! Which I spent at Benedict's house. In case you didn't know, he has a cool house. I also joined Temasek JC in their inaugural fiesta! Improved my tone and got to know many people, among which is Jit Xin. Also had the ensemble concert! Was a blast despite us screwing up and my horrible mic skills! Haha. Band was also quite bad in it's standard and morale. But, after today, I'm sure everything will become better and my journey in band will end properly! That's really... The point. Haha.
Today, school was until 3.30! No! Haha. But I had three SSRP! Spent the time chalking the floor with Anila! Fun ttm! Here's a picture!

Then band! It's been so long since we actually warm up properly! It feels damn shiok! Haha. So we did sinfonia! It was damn cold! When I went to toilet that once, I ran and ran but was still freaking cold! So that was what happened today!
I can't wait for Friday!
Sunday, January 16, 2011