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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hello people!! It's been so long since I posted! But in anyway, I'm gonna try to update it for awhile! Well, exams are going on and I completely have no confidence about it! 48 more days to o'levels. I really wanna do well too! I'm scared :_( Bleh. Screw it! I'll work hard!

Straying from the sadness, is a stray cat! I met her at on 17 aug. Just last wed! Anyway she's really adorable! She's a lil kitten! Played catching with her using my shoe. She was so clumsy. Then afterwards, a malay girl came and ask me to carry it. It was abused beneath it chin. So sad : ( but holding it was nice. It didn't struggle one bit. It was so guai! Here's her picture
She's tugging at my pants. Oh and she's photogenic! Always look up when I was going to take a picture!

Ok. Band dinner also happened last fri! It was awesome. Except wendy was sick. Thanks my juniors for all your presents. I love them. Special thanks to Geraldine for the pillow and being my batchmate. Thank you zixin for being my batchmate too! And the section. For being trumpet section. I'm really surprised by the sec twos present! Good surprised. Haha. Also, on saturday, I went to philyouth audition. Hope I don't screw up too badly! Besides that, also had quintet performance. Finally over! It was fun.

Today I did bio at this awesome place!
Bishan park. Newly renovated! Very cooling. And many fishies too! I should bring you there someday! But the bridge is damn shakey D :

@ 10:43 PM

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Today marks the end of another chapter in my life... I guess all I can say is, it was nice. I think you beg to differ. You are a nice girl. And I'm sorry for getting you in this shit.
Since the beginning, when you messaged me, I was immediately taken by you. And since then, you've led me through great times and bad. Heh... Well, I guess you've been rid of a problem eh... It's really hard not to think of you. You appear even in my dreams. But studying helps. Haha... Can say I'm studying for the wrong reasons. Whatever lah. I'm still studying aren't I?
Thanks for all the scoldings. I know you meant well. But in the end I'm too stupid and fun loving right? Self centered bastard who only cares about feeling good myself. Glad you saw me that way. Wished you believed what I said though... It's too late now.
I love you...

@ 9:51 AM

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Recently, in my life, there has been a huge controversy. Religion. No doubt, religion plays a huge part in our lives. And many a times, we have been forced to choose between that we love and that we believe. It is hard. But a decision must be made. Your religion, there since your birth. And love, that comes with maturing. Its really frustrating.
God, in the christian sense, has been appearing alot in my life lately. First with Gabriel's Bible. Then Mr Toh speaking about religion. Even in GLEE. I may not believe in him. To each, his own. God is in our hearts. I do not need to do christiany stuff to prove my loyalty to him.
I don't know... Right now i'm feeling really lost... Ok? I don't know what is right or wrong anymore... Telling me what I've ever known for my past 16 years is a lie? It sucks ok? You wouldn't know... Just give me time... If you still can't accept me for who i am, my religion and believes, then i'll be heartbroken... But i guess it will satisfy your religious needs... I love you... And of course i wish to spend the rest of my life with you... sigh...

@ 9:28 PM

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Psychological Test ( Charizard asked me to do it )


Write the first answer that came to your mind. Fill it out first before scrolling down!

1. In front of you, you see a number of insects. How many are there?

3? 2 ladybugs and an ant!

2. You were walking through the jungle when you saw something move past you. What (animal) is that?

Sloth! Somehow the word jungle links with sloth!

3. You're sitting on a chair about to cross your legs. Which side of your leg do you cross over? Left or right?

Both up?

4. You're on a safari jeep driving through the Safari ranch, and you see a lion feeding on a dead animal carcass. How do you feel?

Kinda freaked! I've seen a Tasmanian devil feed. It's gross enough!

5. When you usually pour a drink, up to which percentage of the cup do you pour?

I pour it full! Don't like to go back and refill it over and over!

6. There are candles burning in front of you. How many candles are there?

Many! And it's everywhere!

7. A ship ready to take off by the harbour, makes a blasting horn sound. How long does it go on for?

Forever and ever~!

8. You went into a room and it's all white, how do you feel?

Blinded! And empty! Then I know I'm in non-existence! A place without space time continuum!

9. You're walking through a desert, how many pairs of shoes would you take with you?

One? I'd rather not carry extra baggage!

10. You feel like drinking hot chocolate, and you open the cupboard. How many cups are there?

Many many rows that don't end!!

11. A baby is crying, the doorbell's ringing and water is boiling on the stove. In what order would you resolve the situation?

( I kinda like charisse's answer! )
Baby, water, door.

Get the baby to shhhhh. The water can wait awhile because it won't kill to have overboiled water. Then the door so the guest can come in at a quiet, non- boiling water place :D

12. You see an abandoned property (house). Is the door open or closed?


13. You get on a plane for the first time. How do you feel during takeoff?

Scared that it will b bombed!

14. You design your own house and draw a house plan. In the living room, is the ceiling considerably high or low?

Low! Then I can paint it easy!

15. You see an angel of death. He said that he'll give you one day to do whatever you want before he takes you to the afterlife. How would you spend the one last day on earth?

I would... Be with all my loved ones!

@ 8:47 PM

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hello Chua!

THIS IS CHARISSE. Yes, I hve successfully hacked into your blogger.

Hello hello. You're in Malaysia now D: The sexy oil palm tree land. And in a few day's time, I'm going to BALI. Heeheee.

I'm here to brighten your blog up because it looks so SAD. You haven't updated since forever. D:

UPDATE YOUR BLOG!! Then we know you're not dead and dying somewhere amongst a pool of fishies.

K, I hope you're having fun with the sexy oil palm trees. BUT NOT TOO MUCH FUN. Maybe if you don't have a job when you're older we can send you off to Malaysia to work at the oil palm plantation and you can ride a MOTORCYCLE!! WHOOOHOOOOO.

Have fun, and be nice to your family, ok. AND YOUR SISTER.

And I know you're very rich but please don't buy things back for me. ._. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE.

Thank you :D

I see what you mean. Your blog just doesn't want to be updated. I suddenly have writer's block............

Okies. I'm going back to my own blog now. TTFN! Ta ta for now~

Chari. 

@ 9:43 AM

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Well, a certain peanut has tasked me with the very difficult task of sustaining a post a day! Well, the peanut had better update hers everyday as well!
Haha. First up, was temasek jc's concert on saturday! Damn! I didn't where was yong siew toh and ended up in the NUS at CCAB. Sigh. I actually have a bad sense of direction! Was late and missed invictus! So anyway, TJ's concert was really fun! Haha. Ok! Then yesterday was SCGS's Limelight! LIMELIGHT! Haha. I had my fair share of esplanade concerts! Yesterday was good. Except some annoying cracker don't wanna believe me! : ( So, I went earlier to meet the cracker and pass her her letter and royce! Whee! Everyone loves royce! I think... Haha. TODAY!! SERIOUSLY FUNNY KIDS PREMIERED TODAY! Damn nice! You should watch it! It's hosted by Heidi Klum! WHEEE!! She damn pretty! But my peanut prettiest! Ok! I guess that's it! Cya tomorrow!

@ 10:24 PM

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

AHHHH!!! There was thunderstorm this afternoon! Scary! Hence, I wasn't able to study. It was flashing almost every second. This was actually the first time I'm so afraid of lightning. Thank god disaccharide was with me! Thank you! Sorry for disturbing your ovenbreak game though! So, i'll make this post longer by first talking about saturday.
Saturday was the first ever study group with thomas, eric, jun ping, bryan and benedict. Except benedict and thomas couldn't go. Yup! After which, i went to watch the philharmonic winds concert! They were good! Haha. Really. And that night was the latest i've been with disaccharide chan! I'll remember it! and keep the card well! Sorry for all the trouble i've put you through. I promise everything will be better!

Skip skip skip

Tuesday! Tuesday was a very special day. It's TJ's and NY's SYF day! and I was there! It was truly an experience. The music was... woah... I played in TJ before and honestly, I didn't realize that they were able to play such soulful music! And NY, they are full of AMKsians. I never knew they were this good... Wei xiang's solo... Breath-taking. Yan ying and ting rui's duet, simply heartwarming. I never knew they were able to do that. Now I'm lost as to which school I want to go to.

Well, I guess that's all. I just got news. Both bands got silver. Totally undeserving. They were so spectacular! Anyway, that's really all! Bye! EXAMS!

@ 7:33 PM


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Footprints on my heart.


Hi , my name is J-O-E-L.
I love eating Music ( especially symphonies! )
Trumpetering is a must.
I love to touch and kiss her ( My trumpet ).
I love you!
Each and everyone!


Pursue a profession in trumpeting
Solo concert
Do better in studies ( genuinely )
Marry Her
Stay happy and world peace!

Recording Studio


Edited by Pearlyn.
x o